Masalo® cuff on prescription

Information for Germany

Two men stand in front of medical store and talk about Masalo cuff against tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, mouse elbow
This page will provide you with all the important information on how you can obtain your Masalo Cuff with a co-payment on prescription.
Please also see our info page, the article page and our “FAQs” about the cuff.

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Please note that the following information are only valid for Germany.
Unfortunately getting the Masalo Cuff on prescription via the NHS or else is the individual decision of the competent authorities.

General note

Please note that you can only redeem a prescription in specialized stores and not directly with us!

Special offer: Masalo Cuff – co-payment free!

Our partner pedics. is currently offering a great promotion.

Until 31 July 2024 (extended), you will receive the Masalo Cuff MED on prescription without any additional payment*.

What do you need to do?
Obtain a prescription for the Masalo Cuff MED (see below for all the information on this page) and have the prescription filled at our partner pedics. and you will receive the Masalo Cuff MED by post.

Please make sure you contact our friendly colleagues at pedics. by phone or e-mail BEFORE you fill your prescription.

We wish you a rapid recovery!
* The statutory prescription fee of €5 or €10 may apply.


pedics. KG
Bergstraße 1 b
53474 Bad Neuenahr

Tel. +49 (0) 2641/9035-550
Fax. +49 (0) 2641/9035-888

Click Here!


Please contact them with your full details and, if you wish, you can have the cuff sent to your home immediately with a prescription, subject to deduction of the co-payment. “Sanitätshaus pedics.” has an IK licence and health insurance contracts. Health insurance billing is therefore possible without any problems. The team at pedics. KG team will be happy to help you with any product support and application questions.

Do I have to make a co-payment?

Even after presenting a prescription, you will have to pay a co-payment at the specialist dealer, which is usually significantly higher than the conventional prescription fee.
Please inquire about this amount BEFORE you visit your doctor and BEFORE you order directly from your retailer.

How do I get the cuff with prescription?

Please first download the “Information sheet on cost sharing” and print it out. With these documents you then go to a specialist dealer (medical supply store or pharmacy). The documents are in German but it will be the only way the merchant understands the process clearly.

The specialized dealer should then contact us by Email (please exclusively by email) and will receive all trade information incl. purchase conditions from us.

After that, the specialist retailer can tell you the exact amount that you will have to pay yourself as a co-payment.

Please clarify this before visiting the doctor and placing an order.

You need a prescription from your doctor so that your health insurance can cover a share of the costs.

After talking to your specialist retailer, please speak to your doctor to see if he or she will issue you a prescription for our Masalo Cuff. Ask your doctor to explicitly prescribe the Masalo Cuff and ask your specialist retailer to exclusively hand out this product.

Also, please show the physician the printed “Cost Sharing Information Sheet”

Icon Information brochure

Information brochure

Icon Äskulapstab

Information sheet on cost sharing

Where can I redeem the prescription?

Please take the prescription to a specialist retailer, such as a pharmacy, medical supply store or other specialist retailer that can bill the health insurance companies.

You will find a number of specialist dealers who already know our Masalo Cuff on the page store locator.
This dealer directory is growing steadily, but there are still very many specialist dealers who know neither us nor our product.

You can visit any specialty retailer or medical supplier near you. We supply all specialist dealers after they have requested our product information from us by email. Without this information, the specialized retailer can neither calculate the price, nor can we supply it. So please make sure that the specialist dealer sends us an email.

This information can also be found in the “Cost Sharing Information Sheet”.

Order online / by mail with prescription:

For the purchase of the Masalo Cuff with prescription, digital or postal, our following cooperation partner is also at your disposal:

pedics. KG

Bergstraße 1b

53474 Bad Neuenahr


Tel. +49 (0) 2641/9035-550

Fax. +49 (0) 2641/9035-888


Please report there with your full details and, if you wish, you can have the cuff sent to your home immediately, including the co-payment with a prescription. The medical supply store pedics. KG has an IK approval and the health insurance contracts. The health insurance billing is therefore possible without any problems. The pedics team will be happy to help you with any product and application questions.
Man with tennis elbow has the Masalo cuff put on by medical product consultant in the medical supply store

At the dealer:

If the specialist dealer is already listed with us, he can conveniently order your cuff for you from us.

If the dealer does not know our cuff yet and has not ordered from us, he must contact us briefly by mail ( and will then receive all the information he needs to order within a few minutes.

My specialty retailer cannot/would not redeem the prescription:

If you have difficulty finding a specialty retailer who will redeem your prescription, please search the “Store locator” for one of our partner dealers in your area. Or contact us via our “contact form”.

I am privately insured – what do I have to consider?

Up to now, all privately insured persons have simply visited our Onlineshop and then simply submitted the prescription together with our invoice – possibly also with the payment receipt – during the regular billing process with their private insurance.

However, please do not order the cuff until you already have the prescription in your hands.

We have no feedback to date that there was ever a rejection. To be on the safe side, you can make a brief inquiry with your insurance company beforehand. Please include the HMV/aid number everywhere.

What is the aid number (HMV number) of the Masalo Cuff?

The Masalo Cuff is a medical device according to Regulation 2017/745/EU and has the following aid number/HMV number of the GKV in Germany:

Please send requests for conditions and further information exclusively by email to:

We wish you a rapid recovery!


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